Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a prevalent vision condition that causes blurry distance vision. It occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back, leading light rays to focus in front of the retina rather than directly on it. Typically starting in childhood, myopia can worsen over time, increasing the risk of other eye issues. Fortunately, new treatments for myopia control can slow its progression in children. At Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento, our eye doctors delve into the details of myopia control.

Causes of Myopia Progression

Genetics and excessive near work are the primary culprits behind myopia. Individuals with a family history and those engaged in prolonged close-up activities like reading face the highest risk. Constant near focus stimulates eye elongation, causing excessive growth. Myopia control aims to stabilize this eye growth.

Myopia Control Treatments

Eye doctors utilize several methods to manage nearsightedness progression in children:

  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K): Custom rigid contact lenses worn overnight reshape the cornea temporarily, flattening its center and reducing myopia. Lenses are removed upon waking.
  •  Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT): Similar to Ortho-K, CRT uses specialized soft lenses worn overnight to flatten the cornea.
  •  Low-Dose Atropine: Daily use of eye drops containing low concentrations of atropine relaxes eye-focusing muscles, alleviating eye strain and reducing myopia progression.
  •  Vision Therapy: Exercises designed to enhance eye coordination and focusing abilities for clearer near and far vision.
  •  Bifocal or Multifocal Lenses: Glasses featuring a myopia control bifocal or multifocal design help reduce accommodation.

Effectiveness of Myopia Control

Numerous studies indicate that myopia control treatments can slow progression by an average of 50-75% when initiated early. A child projected to reach -6.00 myopia might only progress to -3.00 with treatment. Early intervention significantly inhibits the rapid increase in nearsightedness during childhood.

The Benefits of Slowing Progression

The advantages of slowing myopia progression include:

  • Reduced need for lifelong vision correction
  • Lower risk of retinal complications and vision impairment
  • Enhanced self-esteem in children

Schedule an Appointment With an Optometrist

Ready to explore myopia control options for your child? Contact Arena Eye Care Optometry in Sacramento, CA, for a comprehensive eye exam. Our optometrists near you can determine if myopia management is suitable for your child's needs. Stabilizing their vision now helps safeguard their eyesight in the future. Act promptly, as early intervention yields better outcomes. Schedule a myopia control evaluation today.

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