Diabetic retinopathy is a common complication of diabetes that damages the intricate blood vessels supplying the retina. It's one of the leading causes of blindness in American adults. Knowing your risk factors and recognizing symptoms early is critical for protecting your vision if you have diabetes. Here's what you need to know about diabetes eye care for diabetic retinopathy from Arena Eye Care Optometry, your local optometrist near you.

Key Risk Factors for Developing Diabetic Retinopathy

Anyone diagnosed with diabetes is at increased risk for diabetic retinopathy, but certain factors can further increase the likelihood of developing this vision-threatening condition:

•             Poor blood sugar control over time – High glucose levels cause vessels to weaken and deteriorate.

•             Longer duration of diabetes – Risk rises significantly after 10+ years living with diabetes.

•             High blood pressure – Uncontrolled hypertension damages delicate retinal blood vessels.

•             Kidney disease – Diabetic kidney disease is linked to a higher risk of retinopathy.

•             Elevated cholesterol levels – Cholesterol plaque can block retinal blood flow.

•             Pregnancy – Hormone fluctuations and fluid retention stress the body.

•             Heredity – Those with a family history have increased risk.

•             Ethnicity – Hispanic and African American individuals are at higher risk.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, there are often no vision symptoms detectable. As the condition progresses, signs to look out for include:

•             Blurry, fluctuating vision – Vessel damage disrupts retinal function.

•             Floaters or dark strings – Leaking blood accumulates in the vitreous humor.

•             Partial vision loss or blank spots – Advancing vessel closure obstructs retinal blood supply.

•             Impaired color vision – Vessels nourishing color-detecting cones affected first.

•             Difficulty reading fine print – Deteriorating visual sharpness and acuity.

•             Distorted or wavy vision – Fluid accumulation in the macula.

•             Decreased peripheral vision – Vessels atrophy at the outer edges of the retina.

Protect Your Sight with a Dilated Eye Exam. Contact Our Eye Doctor Near You to Schedule an Appointment!

Don't wait for symptoms before getting comprehensive eye exams. Regular dilated exams allow early detection of diabetic retinopathy before vision loss occurs. Your optometrist can then monitor progression and initiate appropriate treatments if needed. Contact Arena Eye Care Optometry, serving the greater Sacramento, CA area, today to schedule your diabetic retinopathy screening. Detecting issues early is the best way to preserve your eyesight and quality of life. Be proactive with your diabetes care by getting your eyes checked today!

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